Children with Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, and VEDS: More than Medicine
So yeah, just real quickly kind of going through the domains of what is assessed in general and any, ideally in any neuropsych function. It won't necessarily be all these things, it could be. But again you kind of want to attach it to what's going on in the individual's life.
So usually almost always wanted a basis of intellectual functioning, IQ, cognition, whatever you want to say, if academics are of concern, language, memory, visuospatial skills, attention, executive functions, which are really a broad lots of different skills or some functioning or is kind of thrown into this bucket, organization planning, inhibition, flexibility.
The one definition I really like when thinking about executive function is it's using two cognitive skills in concert to solve one problem. I think that's a, it's a broad definition of what it is but it does a better job in some of these little nuance bits.
Fine motor control, potentially gross motor but we usually leave that to the physical therapist. Of course I wouldn't be a psychologist of any variety if I wasn't going to be looking at behavioral, emotional functioning, social skills.
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