
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

大動脈解離の治療における進展 ~プレシジョン・メディスンに向けて~

Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection




So there's this question of the Phenotype-Genotype interplay. We know that certain gene mutations within the Marfan family are associated with a higher rate of ectopia lentis or skin and skeletal maturations and these are certain types of mutations that either switch one of the amino acids or the building blocks of the protein so it behaves differently or it terminates the manufacture of the protein early. 



But what about cardiovascular manifestations? And so here's one a slide showing that we have begun to identify either certain types of mutations or certain regions of the gene that's impacted that leads to aortic changes whether in the ascending or the descending and so we're starting to get this really early picture of what, what patients are at higher risk based on their genetic testing. 



And so haploinsufficiency is the idea that you really produce essentially no true functioning nature of that protein and then dominant negative is a different type where you have essentially one functioning and one non-functioning component and in general those that those patients who have a complete kind of knockout or knockdown of the fibrillin protein have higher aortic event rates compared to those who have just a plain dominant negative mutation, however if they have one that involves a change specifically involving a certain type of building block or once again a certain region of the protein they're also at a higher rate of aortic events. 



This hasn't made it into guidelines yet but I think that's one of the more exciting things about this genotype-phenotype interplay, is really taking what we know from the genetic testing beyond just, "Yes, you have Loeys-Dietz," "Yes, you have the genetic variant associated with vascular Ehlers-Danlos or Marfan syndrome," and really saying this is what it means for you at different time points so we're going to treat you differently. We may have titrate your beta blockade, we may start to be more aggressive with the angiotensin receptor blocker and I think that's where we're going to see some of the actually a lot of the shift in the clinic change over the next several years.



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