I wanted to just try to illustrate and, and simplify what we're talking about between these different types of anesthesia, so general anesthesia would generally require intubation and mechanical ventilation but with regional anesthesia you can place a needle into someone's back and where that needle exactly is placed in the spine helps us to distinguish between what would be considered an epidural injection or a spinal injection.
As you can see here the catheter is threaded outside of the dura. This really thin yellow line is the dura and inside the dura is the spinal fluid, which is brown and what you see in the big yellow cord there that's actually your spinal cord, so an epidural injection is going outside of the dura and placing the anesthetic in that epidural space and that's different from a spinal injection because at that time you're going through the dural layer and actually injecting the anesthesia into the spinal fluid and that has a number of different ramifications.
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