Insights on Ocular Management for Marfan Syndrome
So the goal in the end whatever condition you have is to maintain the excellent and equal vision in both eyes.
You want to keep the eyes straight.
You want to treat the glaucoma, you want to recognize glaucoma and treat glaucoma, a scary condition. When I tell my patients you got glaucoma it is a truly is a blinding disease but you also have to tell your patients, it's also treatable disease. If we can catch this early treat appropriately. Some patient, you don't have to treat them. You just need to monitor them carefully and find the timing and it's a time to treat those patients, manage those patient appropriately you're not, you're not going to let those patient go blind.
Recognize the symptoms of signs of detached retina and get your, your detached retina tell your doctor and get it managed in a timely fashion.
And also more importantly you need to tell the family members. This is the condition, is the genetic disease and if you have this, you know, detached retina you have Marfan syndrome you need to tell your cousins who has also has Marfan syndrome, for instance, and he or she needs to be more vigilant than otherwise.
I think that's all I have. I think I'm gonna stop sharing, Joe, if that is okay and I think I'm ready to answer questions.
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