Insights on Ocular Management for Marfan Syndrome
Is it possible for me to have lens replacement surgery just for my right eye, which is a much weaker one. The vision in my left eye is not too bad, so I'd like to leave it alone and if possible, if possible due to the risks of surgery. Would it cause a vision imbalance and my brain get confused?
Depending upon your age typically for the age-related cataract when I tell my patients that you need a cataract surgery, often time say the patient is 75 years old. They have already have age-related cataract in both eyes and often time I sign up patients for the cataract surgery. This is pretty the norm back to back one week or two weeks apart. If you have a different correction of your, your lenses, so for instance your contact lenses or glasses, give you example, one is minus 10 and after the surgery in one eye or both eyes in minus 10 and after the surgery in one eye you don't want to be minus 10 anymore, you want to be, you know, close to zero and that difference between those two eyes can be quite, you know, dramatic and you can get confused. For those patients not uncommon even though the other eye is not bad at all we need to balance with the other eye, we do the surgery as well.
But overall my, my recommendation is less is more for the Marfan patients. If you can avoid the surgery, don't want to wait too long you become a difficult, challenging patients that can be, can cause whole host of unnecessary complications but you don't want to do anything unless is absolutely needed.
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