Marfan 101 9/12/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)
Other systems that can be involved are the bones and joints.
Individuals with Marfan syndrome are typically very tall in stature. This is secondary to bony overgrowth of the skeleton.
Other findings that we may see our flat, flattening of the feet or at absence of the arches of the feet. This can often lead to foot pain and need for orthotics to be placed in the, in the shoes to help with walking. There can be inrolling of the ankle here that can also lead to ankle pain, hammertoes.
Often times, the joints are hypermobile, meaning that they're very flexible and very extendable. There are certain signs that are frequently associated with Marfan syndrome and hypermobile joints.
One of these is the ability to extend the thumb. This is called a positive thumb sign and all the way over and pretty much bend it over so that you can see it extending over to the other side. Also, there's another sign called the thumb to fifth digit sign which allows over, overlap of the digits around the wrist. The fingers are typically very long; another word that you might hear for this is arachnodactyly.
Actually, other skeletal findings include chest wall abnormalities.
Pectus excavatum is a in, in caving or caving-in of the chest that, that typically seems to be more of a cosmetic feature and not so much related to any physical findings or symptoms. Sometimes, however, it can become severe and can cause problems in terms of exercise tolerance and lung expansion.
Another form of this pectus abnormality is pectus carinatum. In this particular case,the chest wall protrudes out almost like a pigeon chest and this is what carinatum means in the Latin term.
Other findings include curvature of the spine which can be progressive. Another word for this is scoliosis and can sometimes require either brace, wearing of a brace to help correct this finding and sometimes surgery to realign the spinal column may be necessary in some severe cases.
High arched palates are common as well as crowding of the teeth. Often times, individuals will need placement of a palatal expander to open up the palate and some type of orthodontia or braces to be placed to realign the teeth.
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