Are people with Marfan syndrome more likely to develop cavities?
It's interesting that in my interactions from my involvement with the Marfan Foundation and the annual meetings, that people have discussed their concern that maybe their teeth or enamel is different, more, more delicate, but there is no evidence of that in the literature. So, at this point I would say,"No, they are not more likely to get cavities."
私自身のThe Marfan Foundationとの関わりや年次総会でのやり取りの中で、マルファン患者は歯やエナメル質が弱いのではないかと心配する声がありましたが、そのようなことを示す文献はありません。現時点で私が申し上げられるのは、「マルファン症候群だからといって虫歯になりやすいわけではない」ということです。
And I would say if I skip around a little bit with gentle health and Marfan, I think that one of the most critical ways you can prevent all of the negative effects of having Marfan is to really keep your teeth clean, cavity free, bacteria free, gum disease free and all of these things will mitigate the risk of having anything happen. Like because you're having a procedure done, you probably wouldn't have this many procedures if you keep these, if you keep this health profile.
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The Marfan Foundationは、当翻訳には関与しておらず、翻訳内容に関してはいかなる承認も行っておりません。このトピックに興味をお持ちの方は、Marfan.orgにアクセスし、当協会の専門家から成る諮問委員会が承認した内容をご参照ください。