
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


How is the orthopedist involved in diagnosing Marfan syndrome?


I'm very interested in how can you make the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome because knowing about it, then you can take better care of certain things like your heart and your eyes in a proactive sense.



So, as an orthopedic surgeon, I try to teach people how to recognize people who might have Marfan syndrome without scaring everybody to say that they might have it, but I think you have to look at the blend of the tissue: the hand shape, the feet, the size and the width of the skeleton, the shapes of the bones and what they look like on X-ray.



And basically we develop a threshold where a certain number of findings probably should be a key for referring to a geneticist or to a cardiologist so that you can make that diagnosis and we teach our residents and our trainees how to look for each of these characteristics and process them so that we can develop appropriate referral criteria.



I would look for scoliosis which you may not have been able to see because you can't see your own back and you probably would have noticed whether you had a pectus or not. I would look at your fingers and how elastic and long they are or not and I would look at your X-rays and see whether there are certain features of your hips and possibly your spinal vertebrae and then we would probably at that point if you had three or four those high yield features, we would refer you to either Dr. Dietz or genetic colleague or to a cardiologist to look for an echo.



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