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ロイス・ディーツ症候群 ~授乳と心血管リスク~

Loeys Dietz Syndrome: Virtual Medical Symposium Series (11/8/18)




And we do know that pregnant women with connective tissue disorders can show a strong risk for tear of the aorta. We've recently come up with a hypothesis that that might relate to a hormone called oxytocin that peaks toward the end of pregnancy to cause the woman to begin contractions to deliver a baby. We know that the release of this hormone is also maintained during breastfeeding and then got us to wonder whether breastfeeding practices might influence the risk to a woman with Marfan syndrome or other connective tissue disorders.



So on this basis, we used one of our mouse models of Marfan syndrome where essentially we see close to a 100% death due to aortic tear within the first 30 days after delivery if those mice are allowed to lactate to support their pups through breastfeeding, but if you simply take the pups away right after birth to prevent lactation, survival jumps all the way up to 70 percent just by avoiding breastfeeding.



We then gave the mice a drug that blocks oxytocin so it prevents this hormone from stimulating cells within the aorta and when we did that, we basically saw that all the mice survived, so they still got pregnant, they still delivered, and they were still able to breastfeed, but they avoided tear due to aortic dissection.



So we're hopeful that the this type of strategy will allow women with connective tissue disorders to have safer pregnancies in the future, perhaps by choosing not to breastfeed, perhaps by receiving medications that block the hormone oxytocin.



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