Aging with Marfan and Related Conditions (VIrtual Medical Symposium Series, 5/6/19)
And then in the Marfan syndrome, in 1972 the median survival was age 48 that meant that half the patients were gone before the age of 48 and half of them survived beyond 48 and in 20 years that had jumped up to 72 years now. Why did that happen?
And this little drawing here is a reminder for me to say a word about the fibrillin molecule; this is a three-dimensional diagram of a molecule and this is a very, very large molecule; this is fibrillin-1.
But basically in the last 30 years, a tremendous amount of basic and clinical research, by the way much of a lot of it funded by The Marfan Foundation, has resulted in a very complete understanding of this molecule in its biology and then other components of connective tissue as well.
And this is a large molecule. There are around 2,000 fibrillin-1 mutations that have been identified already and they can result, as you can imagine, that a minor mutation would not alter the three-dimensional structure that you're seeing very much, but a severe mutation would really cause us to look quite different and it wouldn't function well at all in the body. So this is really attributed to the basic and clinical research that has been done.
And a huge reason for people surviving now is the Bentall operation where the aorta can now be replaced successfully and that's been the case for several decades.
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