COVID-19 and Marfan/VEDS/LDS: Your Questions Answered
And the last issue, "if you use an inhaler that contains a steroid can you still use it if you have COVID-19 symptoms?"
So the concern about steroids attached to COVID is because of the natural history of viral infections that, that ultimately lead to more severe lung disease.
And that is that the initial exposure to a virus and its initial infection of the lung can typically be cleared by your body's immune system and an inflammatory response and so that's good and in the best of circumstances that will clear out the virus.
However, there is typically a second phase and you will see this in many reports about the COVID epidemic and that second phase is often triggered by an inflammatory response that doesn't resolve. That doesn't tap itself down after the virus has been substantially cleared out.
So if we're thinking about the role of steroids, which is an anti-inflammatory, we definitely wouldn't want to use systemic steroids and those are steroid pills or kind of steroid injections during an early phase of a possible COVID infection.
And the later phase that's debatable; in extreme circumstances we often use steroids intravenously in the ICU but as a standard measure and a non-severe case of COVID, it's, it's discouraged because of that issue of wanting an inflammatory response to help resolve the the viral infection.
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