Pregnancy Concerns in Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome
Do you recommend a specific oral birth control medication or brand for women with Marfan?
So in terms of oral birth control, so the one, so there's two different types of oral, well, there's lots of different types I should say but with birth control, some of them have estrogen and progesterone and then there's lots of different companies and names and then there's some that are progesterone only.
Birth control or oral birth control, I think, is not the best option for women with Marfan syndrome. That being said, it is low-dose estrogen and progesterone and I know some people do take it. I think, you know, in terms of like expert opinion like I would avoid birth controls that have estrogen and just take one that has progesterone only.
The biggest problem with that is the progesterone only medicines are not as forgiving. Like you have to take it at the same time every day and not forget because otherwise, you will potentially ovulate.
And so I think some of the other contraceptive options may be better to consider depending on when you want to have a baby and sort of what your plans are. There's other options that I think are a better choice.
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