CRISPR, Stem Cells, Gene Modifiers – The Future of Marfan Research (August 27 2020) E3 Summit
Now the final step is to put those cells back and expect them to do something good to not cause mischief but rather to benefit the patient, and here's where things really get dicey. So important considerations are:
"What percentage of cells need to be corrected?" "Is it enough to only get two percent of cells in your tissue of interest to have the correction?" "Will that make a difference or do you need 90 percent of cells to be corrected?" "Where do the cells need to end up to serve their purpose?" "Is it enough for them to be in the blood?" "Is it enough for them to go anywhere they want to go or do they have to go to a specific place?" "Is there a specific context that's necessary?" "Is it enough, for example, in a blood vessel if you've got a big clump of corrected cells or will the corrected cells need to properly integrate themselves into the very sophisticated architecture of the blood vessel?" so that's referring to "How complicated does the relationship between the corrected cell and other cells of the body need to be?" "Can you create this context in an adult individual or can it only be made during fetal development as the body is normally growing and developing in the womb?"
Now these are all open questions for us to think about when we're considering use of this type of technology for Marfan syndrome.
Another important question is "How regenerative is the tissue in question?" "Does it normally repair or renew itself like the liver or the intestines or the skin or is it a relatively static tissue that normally doesn't have a robust repair mechanism?"
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