Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research
We keep hearing that if you've had a severe allergic reaction to a previous vaccine you should not take, get the COVID vaccine. How do you characterize a severe allergic reaction? What does that mean?
I'll, I'll start and Enid could finish. This does not include developing a rash or hives.
The type of reaction that I think people are more concerned about would be what we call anaphylaxis where there's a very immediate type of reaction that may be associated with compromise of the airway and/or a drop in blood pressure, anaphylactic shock. Somebody who's had such a severe reaction, that they need to carry an EpiPen comes to mind.
And, and I think our, our thinking is those types of individuals should see an allergist to talk about how they can safely get the vaccine. Normally we can get them the vaccine but it may require a period of pre-treatment with medications that will reduce that chance of a severe reaction.
Enid, do you want to add to that?
No, I totally agree because we typically have a protocol to do what we call desensitized patients so that they don't have the, the more exuberant reaction to a given vaccine.
So, yeah, so we're talking really anaphylaxis and, and those are people who have severe consequences that often require hospitalization or even kind of ICU management so it's not just a sore arm or it's not even the rash or some degree of kind of a low-grade fever. It's a very severe response.
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