Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21
What if the oh you talked a lot about the the ring. What happens if it leaks? Does somebody need to go into another operation?
Do you mean for the mitral clip or for..?
No, the, the, the ring that you talked about before that. I mean this person's writing several people asked about an o-ring but you talked about the another ring that you put around when you're doing the repair. You plastic, is that the same thing?
The ring is to make the annulus smaller since annular dilatation is, a, is almost always a part of the reason the valve is leaking so we as traditionalists think that it's important to have the ring there. We'll, we'll see the mitral clip is, is challenging that.
But if you've had a surgical repair and it had a ring and the valve then starts to leak again, you know, if it's mild leakage, if it's mild to moderate, maybe you don't need another operation but if it's severe and the criteria for another procedure are those that Dr Spooner reviewed, then yes, it might mean another operation.
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