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Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




If a patient with Marfan has a deep pectus excavatum does that have any impact on how you do the aortic ...?



Oh yeah, I'm glad that question came up, Eileen. We have, we just, we just are putting the finishing touches on a paper that's about to get published.



And at our center I work alongside a guy named Dan Raymond, who's the director of our chest wall center. He's a thoracic specialist and takes care of a lot of people with chest wall deformities not just pectus excavatum but people have, you know, cancer reconstructions and a whole bunch of other things.

私は、胸壁治療を専門とする施設のトップを務めているDan Raymondという先生と一緒に仕事をしています。彼は胸部治療のスペシャリストで、漏斗胸の治療だけではなく、乳癌治療により変形した胸部の再建など、胸部に問題のある多くの方の治療にあたっています。


And this first came up a few years ago where we had a patient who had a pectus excavatum that was actually really compromising the function of her heart. She didn't have connective tissue disorder per se. I'm sure she does with the combination of pectus but she had a more congenital disease in her heart that had never been treated and we were looking at together and realized that we kind of had to take care of both at the same time.



We were a little nervous about it at first because the concern is that the chest wall reconstruction might increase the risk of bleeding but we planned this thing. We got her through it just great. We took care of both the defect in her heart and her chest wall.



And since then we've done close to about 20 operations and patients electively where we've combined a kind of a really durable reconstruction for the chest wall with the complex cardiovascular surgery. Most of those have been root operations because that's most common patients with connective tissue disorder but a couple of them have been multi-component operations where we've even done the root, the arch, and a mitral valve and a couple other things and I think that with the modern techniques for doing surgery safely, minimizing bleeding and also optimizing pain control you can do both at the same time.



Wow, wow, that's crazy. I thought that was only on TV.



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