
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

大動脈解離の治療における進展 ~大動脈解離の臨床所見~

Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection





The clinical presentation is abrupt onset. I always ask the patient, "When did your pain start?" and they will say, "4:30 when I got, done watching television, went up to go get a bag of potato chips." They will be able to tell you exactly the minute it started. 



It's the severe, worst pain they ever experienced. 



Chest pain or back pain is most common. 



Patients are oftentimes hypertensive but that doesn't rule it out if patients don't have a high blood pressure. They can still have a dissection and oftentimes if they have a low blood pressure that makes it means it's a much more severe situation. 



There's deficits in the pulse because those false lumen can tear off side branches and so maybe you can't feel a pulse in your right wrist and that's because that innominate artery has been torn and there's limited blood flow now to your arm. 



A widening on a chest x-ray is something we see. 



But the diagnosis is challenging and it's missed on the initial examination in emergency rooms in up to 40 percent of patients. 



If a patient presents with only abdominal pain that's not very common but that's most often a type B and it's also quite morbid as it's associated with much higher mortality rate.



Painless, presenting with syncope or heart failure or a stroke because one of the side branches of the aorta has been compromised, is also bad.



The mesenteric is the blood vessels to the belly and that is very much, a very poor prognosis sign and we're developing new ways to treat that, better than just doing emergency open surgery and we'll talk about that. 



Dissections most often occur in the winter more often than the summer, probably because of vasoconstriction, clamping down on the arteries that can cause higher blood pressure.



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