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大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~最後に~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery




For our last question and then we go back then we'll finish it up with some housekeeping, so today it's, in, Victoria, one year past surgery, the rest of you a little bit longer. Are you feeling normal today? Lauren, how about you? How are you today?



Yeah, feeling good.



You know, tell us what you do, like so we know Dominga works for the foundation and Lauren, do you feel it like yourself and what are you busy doing?

DomingaはThe Marfan Foundationで働いているわけですが、Laurenが今どのような生活をしているのか教えて下さい。自分らしさを取り戻すことはできましたか?


Yeah, so I work from home. I'm a graphic designer. I run my own business, which is great. I still struggle a little bit with the like drive, like, "I'm just gonna keep going," and the tiredness just because your body, obviously you're just kind of it's different, it's different than before surgery, but overall I feel really good and it's kind of yeah, it's life is good, so there's hope. Don't feel like you're going to be tired forever, yeah or, you know, have a shadow over, over you forever.



Great, okay. Victoria, she was like jumping through the computer to tell us how great she felt. How do you feel? What are you doing?



I work for a non-profit in Bayside, Queens and but I'm, I'm feeling good a year after surgery, you know, I was back to where I was. Just like Lauren said like don't get down if, you know, my fatigue is definitely, once fatigue hits, it hits a little bit harder than it did pre-surgery. That's the only, you know, difference that I noticed but otherwise, you know, if I didn't see this scar, which is very, very light even a year out. If I didn't see it sometimes to be completely honest with you I forget sometimes that I even had it.



Amazing, amazing. Peter, how about you? What are you doing these days? How do you feel?



Yeah, so I'm working in operations for, for a non-profit medical center down in Boston. Feel good seven and a half years, no, six and a half years close off, no, I was right seven and a half years. I can count. Yeah, feeling good, you know, every once in a while with fatigue, comes in, comes out, you know, when it comes take a seat and, you know, restart but we're doing good.



That's good. Dominga, how about you?



Well, as has been said I work for the foundation so I think that contributes a lot to understanding when I need to take a break but overall physically feeling great. I admittedly though sometimes there's that mental health aspect that comes in every now and again and that I saw in the chat someone asked about mortality and how surgery can affect your mindset on mortality and I will whereas physically I can feel wonderful, feel great, the mental health journey is still going and mortality is a big part of that and a lot of aspects are from surgery, I would say, are a big part of that, so don't ever think that you ever that you, ever your mind has to be back to normal, so to speak, because I, I would say that that's a that's definitely a long journey at least for, for me.

先ほどもいったように、私はThe Marfan Foundationで働いているので、休むタイミングについては理解できるようになりました。身体の調子はいいですね。でも、時々メンタルの問題に直面することは間違いありません。チャットボックスに死についての質問がありました。手術によって死に対する考え方は変わりましたか、というものでした。身体はすごく調子がいいんですけど、メンタルに関する悩みはまだ続いています。死はその中で大きな部分を占めています。手術を受けたことでわかったことも多くあって、そういったものも悩みの大きな部分ですね。なので、「メンタルを正常に戻さないと」って考えちゃだめなんですよ。それって確実に果てしない問題なんです。少なくとも、私にとってはそうですね。


Great. David, do you have any final words that you want to say to everybody before we do our housekeeping details here?



Well, I mean, I think, you know, I'm glad everybody's here and, you know, I think the thing that is hopefully people feel more comfortable with the idea of surgery and I think the common message to hear is, you know what, you know, get a support group, ask for help. We're here, we're here to help you, you know, talk to people and, you know, because you're not alone and that, that makes it much, much easier to get through the process and we're pretty good at it nowadays in terms of getting, you know, getting surgeries done and getting people through it and so, yeah and just don't hesitate to reach out and ask for help, you know, because that's what we're all here for.



That's great. Thank you and thank you, David, so much for being here and sharing your expertise with us and everybody I thank all of our panelists here.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

The Marfan Foundation は、当翻訳には関与しておらず、翻訳内容に関してはいかなる承認も行っておりません。このトピックに興味をお持ちの方は、Marfan.org にアクセスし、当協会の専門家から成る諮問委員会が承認した内容をご参照ください。