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大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~手術後に助けてくれる人たち~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery




Somebody else asks us really, this really great question, they pre-submitted this. What would you say to your caregivers, I mean, there's a lot of people that are participating that are not actually the person who is going to have the surgery or had the surgery but they're the caregiver for somebody, you know, the mom, the dad, the spouse, the pet, you know, so what would you, what, what do you want them to know because, you know, as, as a like patient who's had the surgery, you know, you know, what was helpful to you from your caregivers and, you know, what wasn't helpful, so what would you, what would you say? Victoria, I'll start with you.



Yeah, I mean, my mom actually took a medical leave for work and stayed with me and my husband took time off of work as well, so I would say, you know, obviously that's not the case for everyone but I would say having your people that are going to be there just like Lauren said and Dominga you can't bathe yourself, you can't make your, like when you're thirsty and you need a drink. You can't just jump up and get something.



You're and I saw someone comment that they slept in a recliner, so did I. I went out and bought a recliner. My husband bought me a recliner before surgery and I have to say if you guys are looking for something the recliner was the best way that you can sleep and get up and things like that because sleeping is very, very uncomfortable after surgery



So I would just say the people taking care of you just be patient with them and I know I had to have, you know, they really had to push me because when you're in a lot of pain and you're really tired I didn't want to take my third walk of the day and it was winter so I had to walk around my dining room table. I didn't want to do it but they forced me to do it but in a way that I knew that they were loving me and doing it because they knew I had to, so just be patient with us because we are in a lot of pain.



And this is a huge thing like mentally and physically for us, but just be there for what we need and also for us to see that they have, you know, it's also hard on us because I couldn't brush my teeth, wash my hair, make my tea like, that's a huge thing for an adult or a young adult who's so independent, so also just remember that it's mental as well as physical.



Peter, Peter, thank you, Peter what about you. What did you say about caregivers and what was helpful and what wasn't helpful?



Yeah, I mean like what Victoria was saying it's definitely helpful to, you know, have an extra set of hands around because like what Victoria is saying I just saw a comment about being thirsty yeah you get thirsty, you get hungry and as opposed to pre-surgery where you just get up off the couch, you know, go grab a kitchen, make yourself a sandwich and then grab, a, grab a glass of water, you know, that ain't happening after post surgery quickly.



So having those, having those caregivers around to help with those menial tasks like, like making food and helping or encouraging you to go on a walk because like Victoria I also sometimes didn't want to go for a walk but my parents and my brother would be like yeah, let's go, we're going, you're coming with us so, you know, just having that encouragement is definitely a big help.



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