Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)
This is from a paper we wrote a few years ago, looking at 127 patients with thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair, looking at just patients with Marfan syndrome, just patients with thoracoabdominal aneurysms, and just patients with dissection.
And you can see here that the early mortality rate is very, very low. The paraplegia rate is extremely low and we didn't have any strokes in this 127 patients.
This is a more extensive analysis that we published last year, looking at data from the GenTAC registry with 3699 patients enrolled between 2006 and 2014.
And 155 of these underwent a thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair, of which more than 70 percent had a aortic dissection, which I mentioned is so common. In those patients over 50 percent of them received extent I or extent II repair. Again, it's, it's a manifestation of the more extensive involvement of the aorta in this particular situation.
And the operative mortality was very low. Paraplegia was very low. Renal failure was very, very low.
And it was durable. Late reintervention was extremely uncommon although the follow-up was over 10 years in many of these, in many of these patients.
Let's look at the quality of life of these patients that undergo these massive operations for a second. We got data from requesting information back from 11 patients, 49 patients who underwent extent II thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair, who had Marfan syndrome.
Of this 49 patients obviously there were no deaths otherwise they wouldn't get back to us but we didn't have any strokes or spinal cord deficits and very few patients had renal problems. We sent out a quality of life form for them to fill out and get back to us so we could see how they were doing after such large operations looking at their quality of life.
This is basically summarized here. If you look in blue at their physical health it is slightly less than normal. This would be to actually be expected. They have the normal or the unusual rather musculoskeletal and other manifestations of Marfan syndrome but they also have had a thoracoabdominal aneurysm operation with surgery on their aorta both in their chest and their abdomen and as I mentioned all of these patients had extent II thoracoabdominal aneurysm from the left subclavian artery to the bifurcation.
We found was extremely interesting. I attribute The Marfan Foundation for a lot of this. The mental health scores actually scored higher than the normal population. These individuals despite their having had large surgery and their limitations were actually individuals, who had a very good understanding of their medical and physical situation but more importantly, equally as impactful they had a great attitude. Their mental health scores were above normal. We think that's very, very impressive.
精神面では健常者以上であることがわかり、極めて興味深い結果だと受け止めています。これについては、The Marfan Foundationのおかげであると考えます。対象となった患者さんは大きな手術を受け、制約があったにも関わらず、自分の心身について非常に深く理解していました。ですが、より重要なことは、非常に前向きな考え方であったということです。このことは、深い理解と同じくらいの影響力があると考えています。精神面が健常者以上であるという結果に我々は大きな感銘を受けました。
These operations that I've mentioned to you are extensive. We've followed a large number of patients over many years. I presented a few years ago 3309 thoracoabdominal aneurysms that I had done at the American association for thoracic surgery, followed many of these patients after 15 years.
And the point being is it's very, very durable. Freedom from any kind of need for reintervention, re-operation or re-repair after 15 years was 90 to 95 percent, so these operations are not a temporary fix or a band-aid. They're a very durable lifetime repair.
The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website,, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.
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