Pediatric Gastrointestinal Issues in LDS (August 27, 2020) E3 Summit
What I'm going to be spending some more time I'm talking about is another form of intestinal inflammation called inflammatory bowel disease or IBD.
IBD is a relapsing and remitting disorder without a known cause. It's where your white blood cells are acting like there's an infection in the intestines when there isn't one and the lining of the intestine is damaged as a bystander.
We think this happens in people who have some genetic susceptibility and there's an environmental trigger that pushes things over the edge and starts these white blood cells on their path of being confused.
It comes in two types: ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease. Those are both types of inflammatory bowel disease.
When we look at people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome types one and two what we do see is about five percent of those have also been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, which is more than we would see in the general population and so there seems to be something about Loeys-Dietz syndrome that makes people more susceptible to developing inflammatory bowel disease.
Most of these patients had significant eosinophilic or allergic type inflammation in the entirety of their intestines before it involve, evolved into an inflammation that looked like inflammatory bowel disease.
There's about more than 200 other genes that give a susceptibility to developing inflammatory bowel disease and it appears that with the Loeys-Dietz syndrome type one and two mutation the number of these other small changes in your DNA that you need in order to become susceptible to developing inflammatory bowel disease is reduced such that it makes it more likely that you might develop at this.
Again it's only five percent so you're much more likely not to have it than you are to have it.
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