
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

リスクと生きる ~結合組織疾患とメンタル疾患の併存率~

Living with Risk




So I'm gonna talk a little bit about the emotional impact of living with chronic risk and I'm going to try to fly through this. I feel like this is a huge topic to try to cover in a short period of time so I'm just going to introduce a few key concepts here and hopefully we can spend a little more time in the Q&A.



And one of the main things that I want to kind of deliver here tonight is talking about the normal adaptive nature of the emotional responses, so we talk a lot about mental illness and I'm not going to talk so much about diagnosable mental illness tonight but I am going to talk a lot about just the human responses that come from the burden of living with these kinds of conditions. 



So we see a lot of sadness, a lot of depression, hopelessness, helplessness, anger, resentment, guilt, grief and loss and these come up at various times throughout a person's life from diagnosis all the way through development and the way we cope with that, in the way we deal with that over time can really shift depending on a person's situation and their specific condition but I cannot, I cannot emphasize enough how normal these emotional experiences are. 



That being said, there has been some early research looking at the comorbidity between connective health disorders and connective tissue disorders and mental health conditions early research suggests as much as 40 to 60 percent of individuals that have connective tissue disorders simultaneously struggling with a diagnosable mental health condition. Most frequently generalized anxiety, major depressive disorder, and
post-traumatic stress disorder. 



So clearly we need to be watching emotional health and mental health concerns as we're treating individuals with these conditions because the the comorbidity is really very high. I also want to say that there's a great deal of space for additional research in this area.



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