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大動脈疾患に関する研究報告(Science in Paris) ~バイオマーカー~

Aortic Disease Research (9/19/22)




So where are we with biomarkers? So biomarkers are proteins that are circulating in the blood that we would like to be able to use to either diagnose or prognosticate certain problems. 



We use a biomarker called troponin to measure evidence that the heart muscle's been damaged with a heart attack. Now wouldn't it be nice if we had biomarkers that allowed us to diagnose sudden aortic problems like aortic dissection with high reliability? 



For years we've known that a biomarker called D-dimer, which is actually a product of clotting within the bloodstream, is virtually always elevated when a patient has an aortic dissection so we would say that that biomarker is highly sensitive for identifying the problem. The issue with D-dimer is that it's not very specific, that is there are other conditions that can also cause an elevation in the D-dimer. One example is a clot going to the lung that's called a pulmonary embolus. Another is a heart attack itself, which sometimes is involved with clotting in the heart muscle and in the adjacent chamber of the heart. 




So investigators have been searching for an additional biomarker that might be coupled to D-dimer. If D-dimer is sensitive and we had another one that was specific for the aorta, we would be in a nice spot. We could order those blood tests when patients with acute chest pain go to an emergency room and either raise the possibility of an aortic dissection or rule it out using just a blood test. 



For a number of years an investigator at the University of Oregon, Lynne Sakai has been working on this problem and a few years ago she reported that a biomarker called fibrillin-1 might be such a biomarker. In Paris she actually showed that a different derivative of fibrillin, fibrillin-2 might even be better. It might have a more specific role in the diagnosis of aortic dissection




The problem with finding one of these biomarkers is that it requires an investment in developing a bedside assay that is highly sensitive to detecting very minute amounts of these proteins in the blood and it has to be something that can be quick, very quickly done. 




I can tell you I worked on a biomarker called myosin heavy chain for over a decade with two companies and even though in a research laboratory we could identify that this, this particular protein was released but the company could never develop a reliable bedside assay that would actually work.




So I'm happy to say that with D-dimer at least we have a sensitive biomarker that we can use but it's not specific enough to be definitive yet and we need more research to see if fibrillin-2 is that biomarker. 



Now you may know, you know, that fibrillin is one of the connective tissue elements, one of the elastic tissues of the aorta that allows the aorta take the pounding that it takes and when the aorta tears there are proteins in the wall that get released into the blood but small amounts. So the fibrillin group represents the target for a diagnostic platform using biomarkers. We will see, I'm hopeful but we need, we need reliable studies and then we'll need a reliable assay that we can use at the bedside.




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