Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered
You mentioned before about the radiation. Can you can you explain the risks associated with exposure to radiation?
So, you know, repeat imaging with radiation. You know, just living on earth or traveling by flights everywhere a natural background radiation we get every year is about three, three millisieverts of radiation. That's the, that's the radiation amount of radiation we are all exposed to. A calcium, CT scan, depending on the kind of scanner we can get the radiation down to one millisieverts. What ends up happening is radiation if it's recurrent and, you know, especially if the patients have other reasons they're getting radiation-based imaging or therapy you have what, what we call stochastic effects. In future not only radiation effects can cause cancer or risk of having cancer they can affect the, I don't know if people remember the time when the people had hodgkin's lymphoma and they were exposed to mantle radiation and what that did was actually affected the heart tissue and we see some of these patients with heart valve problems because they had significant exposure to radiation 20, 30 years ago, now but we are not using that amount of radiation anymore, so those are all the cumulative effects of radiation that can cause problems in the future.
地球上での普通の生活や飛行機移動による年間の被ばく線量は約3ミリシーベルトです。どういった装置を使うかにもよりますが、CT検査による被ばく線量は、1ミリシーベルトほどです。放射線を用いた検査や治療を受ける場合など、繰り返し被曝する場合は、確率的影響というものを考慮しなければなりません。被爆によって将来のがんリスクが生じます。ご存知の方がいるかどうかわかりませんが、ホジキンリンパ腫という病気があり、治療のためマントル放射線を浴びる必要がありました。この放射線治療では、心臓の組織に影響があり、一部の方では弁疾患の原因となっていました。これは20, 30年前のお話なので、今ではこれほどの量の放射線を浴びることはありません。放射線量には蓄積効果というものがあり、それによって将来、問題が生じる可能性があります。
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