New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you?
Some of the reasons why this became a class one recommendation in, in terms of malperfusion, this is paper that came out of the University of Michigan and they, they note that if you have mesenteric malperfusion or a problem with blood flow to your, your gut, this is a, has this is associated with a very high mortality rate and that some centers have begun looking at other ways of getting blood to your bowels before the, your ascending aorta is addressed, however, there is a very limited data on this.
If you click it one more time and this is out of the, out of the paper from University of Michigan that looked at their experience in dealing with the mesenteric ischemia first, very limited data and they had mixed results although they, they did fill that they, they had decent enough results to proceed, however, there were some patients that fell out during this, this time period, so type A aortic dissection, I think, as most of the group on this call are aware of, is the, you know, the deadliest thing that we have to deal with and it's, it catches a lot of people's attentions obviously to try to get the best possible outcome, next slide.
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