Marfan 101 9/12/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)
Additional systems that can be involved are the skin. Striae or stretch marks are frequent finding.
The stretch marks in Marfan syndrome occur in different locations than they do in people that are not affected with Marfan syndrome.
Typically, the stretch marks that we see in those that are not affected with Marfan syndrome is, is really stretch marks occur related to increased weight gain and rapid weight loss and they occur related to pregnancy.
In Marfan syndrome, however, they really don't have anything to do with any kind of weight gain or weight loss. They can't have them. They can be related, in part, to rapid growth of the body but they also occur in different areas like here around the shoulder area or the pectoral muscle area and also along the back. So they occur, not related necessarily to weight gain or weight loss, and in different areas.
Another finding is dural ectasia. This is a swelling of the spinal extruding of the area of the spinal cord that carries the spinal fluid along the spine. You can see here a little bit of an outpouching and in more severe cases, these swellings of, the of the sac that carries the spinal fluid along vertebral column. These can lead to not only back pain but significant headaches and are typically diagnosed by an MRI.
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