
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群の基礎知識 ~呼吸器~

Marfan 101 9/12/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)




Pulmonary findings are also frequent.



One of the most when the most frequently discussed one findings is a pneumothorax.This is a sudden lung collapse. If you have one, you'll know because it's pretty sudden and onset very severe chest pain and difficulty breathing. This occurs again suddenly and without necessarily any type of impact or any type of injury. It just occurs spontaneously.



Other findings in the lungs because the lungs are also made up of connective tissue which is weak and doesn't hold that cells and tissues well together; they're the lung buds, which allow us to ventilate and oxygenate our blood and allow for air exchange when we breathe in and out, can rather than look like full bunches of grapes, they become kind of cystic and start to lose the walls between them. This leads to hyper expansion of the lungs and can also lead to breathing difficulties.



And finally because of abnormalities not only in the connective tissue but also other abnormalities such as the high palate, dental crowding, chest wall abnormalities, individuals can have problems with sleeping.



Snoring is one example, in which when the head is laid flat, the airway falls back and actually causes obstruction during the breathing cycle and closes the upper airway because of collapse of the tissues to the backside of the airway. This can lead to snoring and this can lead to a frequent arousal during the evening or during the night hours so that someone really doesn't get very good and regular sleep.



Other problems can be related to, again, the skeletal and oral abnormalities that we see with Marfan syndrome.



Sleep apnea or disorders of the sleep are very important not only for the effects that they have on our breathing but also for the effects that they have secondarily to how we perform our daily activities, what our ability to focus, our ability to perform during school, during work, and our mood changes and it can also have effects on the aorta and on the interthoracic pressure and there are currently studies being performed looking at other physiologic responses related to sleep disorder breathing.



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