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大動脈を守るために ~大動脈解離発症後の管理~

Taking Care of Your Aorta 10/15/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)



And then finally it's important to recognize after a dissection, this is a Type B dissection, the aorta will grow over time. That's a natural history and it has to be imaged, medications have to be taken, lifestyle modification. And the repetitive imaging and when the aorta gets to be a certain size, surgery's recommended.


After an aortic dissection, we want people to be active. The aorta is much stronger than you think. So early on, we recommend caution and then we like to return to more normal activities with caveats: avoid excess exercise and weight lifting.


But in patients that do return to more physical activity after an aortic dissection, they have lower blood pressure and less depression.



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