
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


マルファン症候群をはじめから ~画像検査・薬物治療・予防的大動脈置換~

Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic 16:31-19:13 So what can we do to prevent bad outcomes in Marfan syndrome? How can we manage this, how can, how have we changed the life expectancy from 30 to near normal? では、Marfan症候群で最悪の…


42:31-46:07 Q:It says is there a specific allergy common in Loeys-Dietz syndrome? My partner is dairy and lactose intolerant so should we consider an allergy test for our old 14-year old, 14 month- old son, LDS SMAD3? LDSで多くみられるアレ…

LDS小児の消化器疾患 ~便秘が改善しない場合の追加検査など~

Pediatric Gastrointestinal Issues in LDS (August 27, 2020) E3 Summit 32:41-34:44 Other things to consider if you're not responding as expected to a daily stool softener and or a stimulant is additional testing. 便軟化剤や刺激薬を毎日服用し…


Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit 44:43-49:02 Okay, I think that covers most of the imaging questions that I've seen here. I'm gonna move now. 先ほどのLoeys先生の説明で画像検査についての質問はほぼ網羅されたと思いますの…


Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit 42:06-44:41 Q:About children and how often, how often they should be getting an MRI image being done? Two kids with SMAD3. Is every two years acceptable as I have read how quickly thing…


Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit 37:44-41:52 Q:There are several questions, as is not surprising, about different types of imaging, a lot of imaging questions so I'm just gonna see if I can lump these together and we c…

大動脈弓手術について ~術後の画像検査・遺伝子検査~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21) 52:34-52:54 Post-operative imaging is critical. With that we need to, we're going to be following echoes, we're going to be following CT scans, some patients can be followed with MRIs. 術後の画像検査も…

大動脈弓手術について ~脳モニタリング~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21) 46:41-47:23 So cerebral monitoring is crucial to achieve our task and that is there's a variety. 大動脈弓部の手術において、脳のモニタリングは極めて重要であり、様々な検査法を用いて行われます。 There's B…


Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21) 59:15-1:01:35 Q:You mentioned careful follow-up after surgery. What does careful follow-up entail? 大動脈手術後は慎重に経過観察するというお話でしたが、具体的に教えて下さい。 A:Well, it…

大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~画像検査結果が出るまでの不安~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery 19:07-21:41 Now there's another part of the mental part and Lauren and I were talking about it on the phone yesterday because you still have to watch the rest of your aorta and be moni…


Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21) 44:45-45:47 Q: Which is, what is the best type of imaging to see that part of the aorta? 大動脈を検査するにあたっての最適な造影法は何でしょうか? A:CAT scan. CA…


Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 38:47-39:41 Q:Since Marfan syndrome involves connective tissue, is there a risk associated with periodontal surgery on that the tissues do not, in which she…


Keeping Your Spine, Limbs, and Feet Healthy in Marfan and Related Conditions 42:23-42:52 Q:Dr. Sponseller, at what age does someone have a DEXA scan, if you tell us what that is and what age do they have? Sponseller先生へ、DEXAスキャンは何…


Children's Heart Issues in Marfan, Loeys Dietz, and vEDS - Virtual Symposium Series (4/9/19) 51:56-53:42 Q:So what about the scheduling of MRI monitoring from head to pelvis, is different from Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, vEDS? MRI検査はどのくらい…

マルファン症候群、ロイス・ディーツ症候群、血管型エーラス・ダンロス症候群小児の心疾患について ~心エコー・CT・MRI~

Children's Heart Issues in Marfan, Loeys Dietz, and vEDS - Virtual Symposium Series (4/9/19) 16:28-20:28 Let's move on now to imaging techniques. How do we measure the aorta or evaluates a function of valves and the function of the muscle …