
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


How is a posterior crossbite treated?


You determine whether or not you want to go ahead and treat at a given time depending on how young they are. There's certainly a benefit to treating posterior crossbite to make it wider when the suture in the middle of the roof of your mouth, which is called the midpalatal suture, is still not so interdigitated, the bone is not completely filled in. So, it is better to do that sooner, but as long as you do it probably before 16 or so you're in good shape.



The things that we use to treat it actually frankly include a lot of different things. You could literally just use the braces themselves and have the wire broadened to move the teeth out just using the the braces wire, but the common things to use are something called a rapid palatal expander and a lot of people remember it from their childhood because they say they had the crank either depending on how much they needed to move, fourth a turn, a half a turn and you just crank it. It's almost like lock and key and then you pull back. And this is done for a short time period depending on whether your orthodontist wants to have the movement go rapidly or slowly.



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