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開胸・開腹術による胸腹部大動脈の修復 ~切開範囲~

Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)




So let's talk about thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Replacing that much of the aorta places a great deal of the body at risk: spinal cord, the kidneys, the bowel, the legs, etc. and for decades we have spent time and effort to develop protective adjuncts to reduce the risk of the ischemic-related complications associated with thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair and I'm going to talk about these here just in a few minutes but they include CSF drainage, cerebral spinal fluid, left heart bypass, visceral perfusion and cold renal perfusion.



This is the only patient photo I'm going to show, but this incision is actually not quite accurate. The incision we use really starts underneath the shoulder blade here and then comes back around. It doesn't go all the way up to the top that you see here so this, this part, for a patient undergoing a thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair, would not, not be necessary, but it does go between the ribs. We don't take a rib out and goes down to about the level of the umbilicus.



It's a large operation, it's a large incision but this exposure allows us to be able to visualize and treat the aorta all the way from the transverse aortic arch towards the head down towards the the pelvis here in the lower end of the abdominal.



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