Personal Perspectives Panel: Physical Activity & Exercise
We have another perspective now and this is Morgan's perspective as a parent of a, of a son with more with, with vEDS so go ahead, Morgan.
Hi, I'm Morgan Jozwiak. I'm in the Houston, Texas area and like you just said I have a 12-year-old with vascular EDS.
I have a slight perspective from like a physical activity. I run marathons and half marathons regularly so I understand the strain on the body but I, also my sons, he was diagnosed two years ago and at the time he was in tackle football that I had to pull him out of and since then a lot of changes have had to be made to physical activity.
And he was diagnosed years after his dad passed away at the age of 21 from an aortic dissection that he was not genetically tested for any type of connective tissue disorder at the time so we had to wait about seven years to figure out that he had inherited it from his dad.
And I'm here to give any perspectives on, you know, a, a child growing up knowing they have it and how we make it work the best possible for him to be happy is most important.
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