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痛みの管理 ~自己効力感~

Managing Pain




So lastly, I just want to also mention that self-efficacy is really important and that's that belief that when you're investing in your your own care and you're investing in your own rehabilitation, that, it can be easier to accomplish those tasks.



And an important part of thinking about chronic pain is to really think about what helps us to be well and to do well.


And oftentimes in life, those are things that include social relationships, work, romantic relationships, being proud of finances, and then thinking about what our self images.


And these again can be challenging when we're dealing with chronic pain, but there are things that can really help us to think about being well.



So overall again, the goal in chronic pain is usually to think about rehabilitation and that's ways to think about how you can intervene in your life in terms of occupational, social, or physical ways. It's to modify our behavior so that we're doing things that are more helpful rather than harmful for our bodies and when I say, "prescribe a new program," I oftentimes like to remind patients that if things aren't working, we need to try something new and try something different.


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