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僧帽弁手術について ~生体弁・機械弁・On-X弁~

Mitral Valve Surgery - Surgery Series, 2/2/21




I think most of you are familiar with the options for artificial valves. Both of these are artificial whether it's tissue or mechanical.



The tissue valves which are either pig valves or cow valves and by the way I just told a little lie. The cow valves are not valves from cows. The pig valves are valves from pigs but the so-called cow valves are man-made valves using cow tissue. They use the tissue on the outside of the heart of a cow called pericardium so it's a man, it's a man-made constructed valve using cow tissue.



The advantages of this is that they do not require anticoagulation as long as the patient still has a normal rhythm. They do not require anticoagulation.



The downside of these valves is that is their durability. They don't last as long as we would like particularly in young people and for a patient who's in adolescence or their 20s or 30s. Ten years, I think, would be about what we would expect. Ironically the older the patient, the longer the valves last. We kind of wish it were the other way around but, and in children these valves may last much less than, than 10 years but that has to be taken into consideration.



But some people can't take anticoagulants for one reason or another. Some women who are planning to have children may get one of these valves with the understanding that it may only last 10 years but then we'll need another operation to have a mechanical valve put in for durability.



The mechanical valves are shown here and there are several of these on the market and over, over the decades of heart surgery there were actually many other types of mechanical valves but all of them now are these tilting discs. They are mechanical valves with a plastic sewing ring, allows us to sew it in. They have hinges there and the hinges is where some of the clots form and that's why these valves do require anticoagulation with coumadin.



The blood thinners that you hear advertised on television the so-called new oral anticoagulants or NOAC. They don't work on these valves. They don't effectively prevent clots from forming so drugs like Eliquis and Pradaxa unfortunately it cannot be used. It has to be the old coumadin with blood tests every three to four weeks to monitor this.



And of course on a blood thinner there is a risk of having bleeding problems although for most people who are very careful about both maintaining their proper level of anticoagulation and, and restricting certain physical activity it's quite possible to avoid a lot of bleeding problems from, from these valves.



People ask questions about these the On-X valve. Now this is this valve is not brand new. It's been around for more than 15 years but it does have some modifications in the design that allow us to, to get by with lower levels of blood thinner but it still has to be coumadin. It's just the measurement of the blood thinning called the INR can run a little bit lower. Now the that's more so for the aortic valve when an On-X is used than the mitral. It's less clear with the mitral, but so many people come and talk to us about the On-X valve thinking that they don't need blood thinners at all but we that's not really true. It may turn out to be true with some additional studies that are underway.



But these On-X valves still require coumadin. You can just probably get by with a little less and a lower dose.



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