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Aortic Root Surgery in Connective Tissue Conditions - Surgery Series (2/10/21)




What does it feel like for the patient if they're having an aortic root problem? Can they feel that something is wrong?



Dissection, yes. I think the most telling thing about aortic dissection and I ask my patients all the time and, you know, what every single patient will tell you the day, the date, the time, what they were doing, what they were wearing, okay, and, and what that tells you is it's often really abrupt, out of nowhere, but it's also really serious. It's most common, most commonly is chest pain. That's a dissection.



With regards to a root aneurysm you typically won't feel anything but if your valve is leaking because of it, because the valve leaks because as the root grows the leaflets are sort of pulled apart the valve doesn't meet in the middle and it leaks. An astute doctor can hear a murmur. Murmur's just that extra sound of some swirling blood flow related to the valve leaking. If it's leaking a lot anybody, you know, anybody with a stethoscope can hear it. If it's leaking a little bit a good doc can hear it.



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