
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


COVID-19とマルファン関連疾患 ~肺疾患~

COVID-19 and Marfan/VEDS/LDS: Your Questions Answered 7:12-9:20 So let's go over some of those characteristics that the high-risk features that the PAB has put together and the first part that we'regoing to look at is those that affect the…


COVID-19 and Marfan/VEDS/LDS: Your Questions Answered 5:20-7:10 Q:So Dr. Dietz, we'd like to ask you whether what does "increase from COVID" mean? Does it mean you have an increased risk for contracting COVID or does it mean that you have …


COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 24:32-26:17 Q:Enid, you had said that pectus and scoliosis can cause restrictive lung disease in certain instances, but if you've had that corrected, do you still have the res…


COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 39:58-40:43 Q:Are there any additional risk for people with dysautonomia? 自律神経障害の方では重症化リスクがありますか? A:No, to my knowledge. Juan? 私の知る限りリスクはない…


COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 26:18-27:06 Q:If you know that you have bronchiectasis that does that put you at a higher risk? 気管支拡張症がある場合、新型コロナウイルスに感染した際の重症化リスクはあるので…


COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 50:31-51:13 Q:Enid, one more for you here. What about sleep apnea? Does that put people in increased risk for the virus? Enid先生、睡眠時無呼吸の場合には、感染による重症化リス…


COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 41:00-43:10 Q:I have some questions for Dr. Morris. For those that have LDS and vEDS that have tortuous, tortuous arteries and fragile arteries, does the virus or the symptoms…


COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 38:39-39:54 Q:There were some questions about people, you know, have already surgeries scheduled and, you know, their upcoming tests at different hospitals. Should they be con…


COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 51:16-52:16 Q:This is for Shaine or Juan. Just having a Type B thoracic aortic dissection put you at higher risk? Shaine先生、Juan先生への質問です。胸部B型大動脈解離がある方で…


COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 45:15-46:05 Q:So Shaine, Aaron wants to know if her child is at higher risk considering they have a higher Z-score and it is medicated. モリス先生に質問です。Zスコアが高く、薬…


Q:新型コロナウイルスでは症状が出ない日が長く続くこともあるようですが、感染しているかどうかは、どうすればわかりますか?発熱や咳などで病院を受診した時には、肺の50%が線維化しているというのは本当ですか? A:違います。発熱や咳は単純に上気道炎の…


COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 34:04-36:13 Q:There are sometimes some myths that go around or, or I call the myth, that when you have Marfan's syndrome that you have a lower immunity? Can you speak to that?…

新型コロナウイルスとマルファン関連疾患 ~ワクチン接種~

COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 16:47-18:08 I make another comment and based on that the vaccines. one thing just make clear. (Can you guys see me here? Now, Yes. I can't see myself.) So anyway and one comme…

新型コロナウイルスとマルファン関連疾患 ~大動脈拡張・動脈瘤がある場合の重症化リスク~

COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 14:06-16:37 And then now, what if you clearly have, you know, a problem and you have a dilated aorta but you really don't have any of those other complications. And many, many…

新型コロナウイルスとマルファン関連疾患 ~重症化リスクのある循環器疾患など~

COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 12:08-14:05 So anyone who with a genetic aortic condition is a higher risk if they have basically significant heart problems or significant lung problems. 重篤な心臓疾患や肺疾…

新型コロナウイルスとマルファン関連疾患 ~重症化リスクのある呼吸器疾患~

COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered 5:50-10:54 Hello everyone, and we are tasked to give you as much information as you could possibly want tonight. 皆さん、こんちには。今回のセミナーでは皆さんが知りたいと思って…


はじめに 重症化リスクの高い患者は? 重症化リスクが高いとは考えられない患者は? 薬について 予防策 インフルエンザ、新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)、その他の重篤な感染性呼吸器疾患の治療法 はじめに The Marfan Foundation(TMF)は専門家委員会と連…


はじめに COVID-19と遺伝性大動脈疾患 CDC情報 COVID-19の拡がり方 症状 予防法 マスク インフルエンザおよび上気道疾患の治療法 はじめに 米国での新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の拡大が予測される中、The Marfan Foundationは専門家委員会協力の下、米国…