
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~薬物治療~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you? 25:57-27:33 Okay, what's new in Marfan syndrome? Well, moving on to medical therapy. Those on the, on the webinar tonight with Marfan syndrome they're probably we…

大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~予防的外科手術の目安~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you? 20:53-25:55 Dr. DeAnda is going to talk about some of the surgical thresholds. では、DeAnda先生から外科手術のしきい値についてお話いただきます。 Some of this has c…

大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~遺伝学的推奨事項~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you? 17:08-20:51 The recommendations are written like this, so I won't go over every single one but it emphasizes again in somebody, in a patient who has thoracic aort…

大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~遺伝子検査~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you? 14:07-17:03 So what we're going to do over the next half hour or so is we're going to review some of the topics that are encompassed in the new guidelines based o…

大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~共同での意思決定に関する医師の見解~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you? 10:57-14:08 So this is not a new concept but I think what's so important about the document is how all these various numbers and sizes and things that we talk abo…

大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~患者と医師による共同の意思決定~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you? 9:03-10:48 Maya Brown Zimmerman is going to talk to us about one of the most important aspects of the guidelines, the concept of shared decision making. では、ガ…

大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~大動脈径の計測方法~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you? 7:10-9:00 One of the most important parts of the guidelines is really a whole section on emphasizing how to measure the aorta. Everyone who sees individuals and, …

大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~大動脈の構造~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you? 3:56-7:06 This is the front page of the document that Maya and Abe and I are going to review. Some of the information on updates in genetic aortic disease, its ev…


Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered 55:55-56:22 Q:How much change in dimension is too much? 大動脈について、どの程度のサイズ変化であれば大きいと考えられますか? A:So, that my understanding is about three millimeters every year or less.…

心エコーレポートの「圧較差(pressure gradient)」とは何か?

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered 52:04-53:35 Q:Somebody says every time I get an echo and they're post-surgery they have a quote-unquote increased gradient pressure. Can you explain what that is, why, how it affects, what's the effe…


Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered 49:03-49:39 Q:Does CT provide additional information regarding mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation if an echocardiogram has already been done? 心エコー検査後のCTでは、僧帽弁逸脱や僧帽弁閉鎖不全症…


Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered 30:24-32:04 Q:And that goes to this other question which is, you know, who should be doing this? Does surgeon recommend the technicians? You and I talked about this a little bit the other day but how…

大動脈の画像検査 ~大動脈画像検査に関する推奨事項~

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered 27:11-28:08 What are the recommendations for imaging of the aorta? So these are the main things that to remember, you know, diameters are measured of the aortic root and the aorta at pre-specified si…


29:37-30:22 Q:What specifically is most important on the results that someone with Marfan or a connective tissue condition should pay attention to? 画像検査の結果で、マルファン症候群などの結合組織疾患の患者さんが注目すべき最も重要な点はど…


2022年11月3日 THE MARFAN FOUNDATION 大動脈疾患の診断と管理のための新しいガイドラインが、昨日、Journal of the American College of Cardiology と Circulation に掲載された。この ガイドライン は、ACC(米国心臓病学会)とAHA(米国心臓協会)を代表…

大動脈の画像検査 ~症例② 大動脈基部が拡張しているケース~

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered 24:42-27:08 But there are cases where I'll have to go back to my presentation here to show you that one second where there is extreme scenario when the patient comes in and the first thing you see is…

大動脈の画像検査 ~症例① 30歳マルファン女性~

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered 22:28-24:42 So this is a young patient, who is about 30 years old, has known diagnosis of Marfan and we have been she gets a yearly scanning of a thoracic aorta, so what we have done is in her the fi…

大動脈の画像検査 ~検査法の違い~

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered 19:59-21:32 So in, in a way this kind of should give you an idea of like that the different images I've shown you gives you an idea that all three techniques can be used. When do you use what techniq…

大動脈の画像検査 ~MRAでみる大動脈解離~

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered 18:22-19:57 How does dissection look by MRI, so this is an example on the right, left side top you see this cartoon with blood flowing through it and you're acquiring this angiogram multiple times an…

大動脈の画像検査 ~各種MRAによる大動脈撮影~

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered 15:38-18:21 How is it done on MRI, which is MRA, MRA is a form of MRI but it's just magnetic resonance angiography where you give contrast and you can basically image the aortic root like here and th…

大動脈の画像検査 ~心電図同期CT~

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered 14:15-15:35 One important point if you take anything from this presentation is, this is probably the most important point. A lot of times the scans are done without gating. What do I mean by that? So…

運動に関する最新研究 ~大動脈解離後の運動に関する臨床試験~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research 49:27--57:20 So again, I think it's a great time now to study this in a prospective manner and gather information that can help prove this sort of information, is not only effective a…

運動に関する最新研究 ~大動脈解離後の運動に関する研究~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research 46:08-48:06 Now we're going to move on to the last part of our discussion before we open up the questions and this is a topic that's very unique and something that we're all very inte…

運動に関する最新研究 ~小児の運動に関する研究(Science in Paris 2022)~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research 27:26-34:46 OK, Siddharth, that was outstanding, very, very informative and to summarize the animal model studies of genetically programmed Marfan-like mice, aorta's benefit from, fro…

運動に関する最新研究 ~大動脈解離を発症した集団の運動に関する結果~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research 25:22-26:02 We, we also looked at the aortic dissection subgroup. I mentioned that was a minority of patients but we wanted to make sure that was safe and effective for them. We did n…

運動に関する最新研究 ~大動脈疾患患者の運動に関する研究~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research 17:48-25:19 So our group has for the last two years studied the safety of exercise for our patients who come to clinic with thoracic aortic disease of all types and we started to do t…

運動に関する最新研究 ~血管に関する基礎知識~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research 6:04-8:15 So as a bit of background this is a cartoon of a blood vessel wall like the aorta or another blood vessel and if, the thin lining layer is called the intima an endothelial c…

妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~産後の授乳による大動脈解離リスク~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 59:11-1:01:14 But one, one area of risk that has been focused upon is breastfeeding, so oxytocin and is a chemical released endogenously in each person that stimulates both labor an…

妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~産後の画像検査~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 57:41-59:10 Overall the majority of aortic complications occur in the third trimester but it's also the postpartum period and that's something we haven't discussed at all yet, so wh…

妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~妊娠中管理のまとめ~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives 50:03-50:59 So I came to the to my final recommendations and as we have seen that pregnancy in patients with aortic disease should be managed by a multidisciplinary team and an expe…